We are organising our first ever SOLAS carboot sale for small vans and cars, and walk in tables!
The aim of our event is to help cut down on unnecessary waste and give new life to old items!
Our recent clothes swap was such a great success we felt a car boot was the obvious next step and a great opportunity for everyone to rummage through their spare rooms, attics, gardens and garages for old and unloved items to find them a new home!!
Remember ”One Mans Rubbish is another Man’s Treasure’’ and at our carboot sale we want to bring together like minded people who understand the important of recycling, up-cycling & reusing to help reduce the amount of unnecessary waste going to land fills
Larger vans are not allowed as we want to encourage households to reuse & recycle and re-home items. Rather than it becoming an event for larger trader. Transits/ Hiace vans are not allowed
All of the below will be accepted
New, antique, second hand merchandise- clothing, footwear, jewellery
Household furniture, toys & children’s wear
Seasonal goods, gifts and cards
CD’s, books & Bric a Brac
DATE: Sunday 18th September
Traders can arrive from 8:30am
Open to Public at 9:30am
For traders: 15 euro per car/ small van
For public: 2 euro entry* All proceeds from the gate will go to the Fight for Johnnys Girls go fund me page
Sellers must book in advance. Contact George by email or phone
Stallholders must bring their own table.
Must be set up by 9am- no entry after 9:30am
Toilets and refreshments available in our food court
Contact 0830452810 for more details
To book your place, Contact George by email events@thegardenshop.ie OR by mobile: 0830452810