SOLAS is delighted to announce that the French Festival will return to Portarlington in the summer of 2022
In conjunction with Bastille Day in July SOLAS will host a weekend of events to celebrate the towns French Huguenots heritage

Schedule of Events:
A sneak peak at some of the events planned for the Saturday & Sunday at SOLAS garden centre include:
A La Marche: Our farmers market will take on a french theme on Saturday 16th July
Le Discotheque: Dj Filip and Jazz Quartet playing french music
Tour de Portarlington: in conjunction with Critical Mass Cycle Group
Taste of France: in our food court with a selection of french dishes, deserts & wines on sale
Allez les bleus! Revealing our latest art installation at SOLAS
Street performers & French Mime artists
Traditional puppet shows
Children crafts & French face painting
Quest speakers & Historians
Plus special guests